Created, or reshaped, and boosted through Scalabl’s methodology, these ventures, startups, and full-fledged multinational companies prove our student’s success.
Lucas Villalba
Cafetería, pastelería y restaurante con un amplio menú y excelente atención....
Jose Antonio Heredia Couoh
Mantenimiento y limpieza
Empresa radicada en México que ofrece productos de limpieza y trabaja desarrollando cadenas sosteni...
Nicolás Rodriguez
Empresa enfocada en el ahorro energético a través de la conservación de recursos. Ofrece asesorí...
Basa Arq
Sol de Nuñez
Estudio de arquitectura especializado en diseño de interiores y exteriores. ...
Dominga Home
Alfonsina Tejera Montenegro
Objetos de cocina elaborados a mano con estampas originales....
Acsia Technologies
Jijimon Chandran
Empresa de software automotriz que ofrece soluciones y servicios de extremo a extremo para fabricant...
Paula Budnik
Industria farmacéutica
ENLACEPHARMA Es un Directorio que creó con el fin de reunir en un solo lugar a las empresas proveed...
RSV Outsourcing
Paul Dedyn
SOMOS RSV. El mejor talento Ecommerce...
Kusta Barber Truck
Emiliano Recupero
Cuidado personal
Barbería para caballeros con presencia en los shoppings más importante en argentina. Posee un equi...
Les Croquants
Gabriel Caligaris
Pastelería artesanal de piezas pequeñas con diseño y recetas propias y únicas para eventos socia...
Nicolás Mizrahi Striebeck
Empresa tecnológica que digitaliza a los comercios a través de un programa de puntos para usuarios...
Pablo Wolfus
Regalar una experiencia completa y divertida, no sólo algo material....
RPA Consulting
Nuria Plez
Servicios Contables
Estudio de consultoría integral: Auditoría interna, auditoría externa, procesos de gestión, cons...
Club AgTech
Federico Mayer
Articulamos la innovación en el agro, promoviendo la conexión entre sus actores, y a partir de all...
Federico Paziente
Servicio de registro y seguimiento de grandes obras de larga duración a través de videos que muest...
Door To China
Esteban Pratolongo
Professional Training & Coaching
Internacionalización Empresaria, cultura de Negocios con China e introducción al Idioma...
Grupo Creativo Productora
Pablo Levy
#GrupoCreativo es una productora ubicada en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires que juega un papel muy importa...
Sabina Peskin - Coach Ejecutivo
Sabina Peskin
Professional Training & Coaching
Sesiones de coaching para trabajar desafíos laborales que no has podido encarar de manera efectiva....
On the Go Sushi
Manuel Arévalo
Catering para eventos, clases de sushi y wok a domicilio y cocina peruana a domicilio....
Coliving Nomad Hub
Nicolás Germen
Alquiler de espacios de trabajo
Espacio de coliving para profesionales, emprendedores, nómades digitales con foco en la creación d...
Marc Vallhonesta
Marketplace digital de eventos y fiestas privadas. Todo lo que necesitas para montar tu fiesta, a go...
Cabred - Galarraga Recursos Humanos
Verónica Galarraga
Recursos Humanos
Consultora de Recursos Humanos que trabaja con las organizaciones y las personas que las integran. O...
Gonzalo Arena
Venta de contenedores con tapas de corcho y growlers para la cocina y el lavadero. ...
Federico Diaz Sparta, Matias Carrillat
Information Technology & Services
Somos Potenciadores de Negocios. Nos transformamos en el Partner estratégico de nuestros clientes p...
Bien Fenix
Adriana Laura Gomez Suarez
Deporte y Entrenamiento
Personal Trainer con enfoque paleolítico....
DeROSE Method Vila Nova Conceiçío
Karina Tarabay
Gestión educativa
O DeROSE Method é uma combinaçío de abordagens comportamentais, teóricas e técnicas para o dese...
Bloombox Brand Engineers
Laeeq Ali
Marketing y publicidad
We at bloombox strive to provide strong strategic and idea based holistic branding solutions with a ...
Club de Formadores
Axel Jutoran
Vinculamos Formaciones de Calidad con Audiencias que las Valoran...
Lucas Villalba
Creamos una alternativa exquisita para estos nuevos tiempos...
Ruben Rodolfo Chuffer
Producción integral de fiestas sociales....
Nicolás Ursomarzo
Investigación estratégica de mercado enfocada en la agilidad para contar con información necesari...
Hernán Schuster
Events Services
Somos un equipo multidisciplinario de profesionales que junto con nuestros clientes co-creamos exper...
Beatriz Quiroga
Pissark Arquitectura y su amplia oferta de servicios participa de las últimas tendencias de la arqu...
Fabrics of Colours
Florencia Marina Peña
Indumentaria y textil
Piezas únicas en seda pintadas a mano: pañuelos, kimonos, vestidos, blusas, camisas y pantalones. ...
Jorge Araujo, Nicolas Manrique, Nicolas Araujo Müller
Commercial Real Estate
Psquared es la primera empresa ágil en capturar y transformar activos inmobiliarios estratégicos e...
Jose Antonio Heredia Couoh
Mantenimiento y limpieza
Empresa especialista en limpieza 360º en industrias, escuelas, hospitales, centros comerciales y of...
Dario Bak
Information Technology & Services
Xappia es una empresa proveedora de servicios de TI, con un fuerte enfoque en Cloud Compution y desa...
Tienda directa
Maximiliano Drelichman
Market online...
Joaquín Perino
Food & Beverages
Tenemos una amplia variedad de marcas de productos naturales, orgánicos, saludables, veganos, sin T...
LX Argentina SA
Maria Lucia Bonetto
Mantenimiento y limpieza
Empresa de servicios de limpieza, mantenimiento e higiene industrial que busca ayudar a sus clientes...
Africa Horse Tours
Matias Luis Carrillat
Ocio, viajes y turismo
Africa Horse Tours invites you to go through the most challenging landscapes in the world on a horse...
Meraki Consultoría
Sabrina Rodriguez
Recursos Humanos
Somos una consultora enfocada en promover una cultura de sustentabilidad, ya que creemos que todas l...
Futre Crypto Media
Leandro Reta Sabio
Medios masivos
Conectamos audiencias Latinoamericanas con productos crypto.
Cobertura Regional con Medios On y Off...
Tieless Media
Fernando Abadi
Productora de contenido audiovisual. Ofrece filmación en vivo, VFX, CGI y animación....
Verona Construcciones
Luciano Agasi
Empresa desarrolladora de proyectos inmobiliarios....
Cauda app
Pablo Wolfus
Una app gratuita para que la gente no tenga que hacer colas en las calles exponiéndose y poblando n...
Diego Quintana Escudero
Sistema web de gestión que permite optimizar y simplificar administración de las agendas y trámit...
Monte Lirio
Federico Petraglia
Fabrica industrial de pastas secas y productos panificados....
Simple & Real
Leandro Giomprini
ACADEMIA DE SALUD Y DE ALTO RENDIMIENTO con una sólida metodología en enseñar a las personas HÁB...
ATMA Wine Experience
Guilherme Massagli
Wine & Spirits
Venta de vinos...
Juan Amuchastegui
Consultoría IT
Amalgama es una consultora en innovación digital, enfocada en ayudar a empresas y emprendedores a a...
Nicolas Martinez Sala
Gabinetes estratégicos
Sua comunidade oficial sobre Jobs To Be Done no Brazil....
Open Metier Group SRL
Blanca Maffioly
International education services focused in maximizing the benefits of global relationships and expe...
Fernando Ferramosca
Artista dedicado a la producción de obras de arte e ilustraciones con su particular estilo moderno ...
Balum globos
Agustina Clemencon
Globos burbuja transparente y personalizados para decoración, eventos sociales, eventos corporativo...
No Gluten
Federico Lopez
La guía de la comunidad celíaca argentina donde se pueden encontrar dietéticas, restaurantes, hot...
NQS Creative
Francisco Trusso, Martin Bezic
Servicios de renderizado de alta calidad. Servicios: Branding, Production, Animación 3D, Motion Gra...
Sol Abadi - Photography + Films
Sol Abadi
Fotografía en moda, publicidad, belleza, editorial, advertising, producciones audiovisuales.// Phot...
PayGoal Acceptance Solutions
Leonardo Camandone
Servicios financieros
Soluciones B2B de pago y adquirencia...
Nodus Company
Ignacio Rey Goitia
Consultoría de negocios
Consultora Digital: tecnología, usabilidad, AMP y marketing online....
Marcelo Simonian
Sector automovilístico
Brindamos soporte, herramientas tecnológicas y automotores nuevos o usados de particulares, agencia...
Demian Sterman
Management Consulting
Transformamos fallas, errores y fracasos en Aprendizajes, Conocimientos y Nuevas Herramientas....
DOTS innovation
Gonzalo Tiesi
Crea soluciones digitales que permiten a las organizaciones deportivas aprovechar y capitalizar todo...
Ignacio Eguren
Know-how del negocio agrícola...
Your Business London
Mario Braga
Consultoría de negocios
Con amplio conocimiento del mercado, ofrece el acompañamiento indicado a compañías latinoamerican...
Studio Pell
Lucia Otero
Buscamos ser una comunidad consciente en lo que llevamos. Pensamos con vos cada joya para darte la p...
Fabián Pelleriti
Deporte y Entrenamiento
Bicicletas de accionamiento manual, handbikes y sillas de ruedas de competición desarrolladas adapt...
Guide Me
Verónica Galarraga
Programa de orientación profesional para diseñar tu futuro y elegir el mejor camino hacia el éxit...
Gonzalo Rodiño
Agencia de publicidad que combina la estética adecuada con el correcto análisis de las estadístic...
Ocho Management Consultancy LLC
Stefania Badariotti
Management Consulting
We equip people with tools, inspiration and diverse experiences to face job demands while creating s...
Gualda Training
Axel Gualda
Deporte y Entrenamiento
Empresa de entrenamiento que ofrece grupos de entrenamiento, clases de zumba, clases personalizadas,...
Micaela Belén Iglesias
Venta online y a través de revendedoras de accesorios para mujer. Los accesorios NAMIKA no son masi...
Nova Renting
Lucas Rombolá
Alquiler de autos
Administramos flotas de autos aplicando tecnología e innovación en los procesos y para lograr un o...
Cineastas del Futuro
Sebastian Chuffer
Academia de cine para niños. Ofrece cursos regulares durante todo el año y workshops intensivos de...
Ediciones Valletta
Emiliano Valletta
Editorial argentina especializada en obras Jurídicas, Economía, Administración, Derecho, Dicciona...
Casa Puan Depilación Definitiva
Stefania Mosto Aljadef
Cuidado personal
Centro de depilación definitiva laser con tecnología israelí y protocolos personalizados de máxi...
José Vietti
Las construcciones modulares que ofrece la empresa están diseñadas para satisfacer toda la demanda...
CID Pharma Packaging
Hernán Cid
Packaging & Containers
Packaging en la industria farmacéutica, aplicando los más altos estándares de calidad en sus prod...
IT Crowd Argentina
Pablo Wolfus
We are a group of young highly skilled, passionate professionals specialized in complex mobile and w...
DCL Group
Martin Zaszczynski
Marketing y publicidad
Nos especializamos en el desarrollo y la producción de elementos de trademarketing a medida, agreg...
Juice up
Nicolas Ivan Koffsmon
Jugos naturales elaborados utilizando la técnica de prensado en frío que permite mantener con mayo...
Leonel Santiago Gierberg
Marroquinería y Calzado
Marca de calzado, orientada a ofrecer zapatos nobles confeccionados en 100% cuero argentino de maner...
Andrés Watson
Information Technology & Services
Somos la poderosa fuerza combinada de una Fábrica de Software y una Academia de Programación, amba...
Ignacio Rey Goitia
Venta de huertas tradicionales, hidropónicas y jardines verticales para domicilios particulares. Ta...
Agustina Escobar
Agustina Escobar
Indumentaria y textil
Indumentaria femenina cuyo sello propio son las estampas de diseño original. Las prenda están disp...
Matias Dominoni, Carlos Bellucci
Consultoría IT
Agencia de tecnología especializada en arquitectura de software y aplicaciones mobiles con mas de d...
Plenilunio Hotel
Nicolás Bursztyn
Apartamentos de Playa y Hotel de Bosque Equilibrio entre lujo y sencillez, y detalles para un verdad...
Franco Zanette
Information Technology & Services
Comunicación en locales gastronómicos....
Micaela Belén Iglesias
Plataforma que conecta alumnos con tutores, brindando clases personalizadas de idiomas en modalidad ...
Tienda Kosher
Marcos Skverer
Pedidos online en Almacenes, restaurantes, inmobiliarias, bazares y más. Conseguí todo lo que nece...
Chitta Agency
Joaquin Lombardi
Consumer Services
Somos un equipo de expertos en indumentaria, diseño gráfico, e-commerce, fulfillment y logística ...
Maria Virginia Romero
Desarrollo de programación
Impulsamos el desarrollo de Ecosistemas de Empresas Sociales...
Michel Schwartz
Ayudamos a las marcas a convertir sus locales físicos en espacios inteligentes....
Francisco Rey Petit
Espacio compartido para emprendedores de moda y diseño que ofrece Soluciones de Ecommerce y venta a...
Editorial Point22
Teresa Alonso Cordero
Translation right agency...
Krossen Ingenieria
Lucas Fabián Vassarotto, Emiliano Canepa
Diseño industrial
Herramientas tecnológicas para acortar tiempos y esfuerzos en el diseño y producción de productos...
Influencia Digital
Bruno Bonafine
Marketing Digital
Agencia de Marketing Digital enfocada en estrategia y análisis de datos. Ofrece servicios de social...
Adrian Herzkovich
Executive Coaching
Executive Coaching Reinvention Process Personal Branding...
Scalabl Global Limited(hereinafter, “Scalabl”), headquartered at Innovation Centre, Gallows Hill, Warwick, CV34 6UW, United Kingdom, is a global consulting and training company, specializing in business, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
Scalabl offers third parties the so-called “Course in Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (hereinafter, the “Course”), which is currently delivered online (hereinafter, “Online Course in Entrepreneurship and Innovation” or “Online Course”) in Spanish, English, or Portuguese, through the website (hereinafter, the “Website”).
The Course, both in its currently imparted online modality and its face-to-face modalities, which have been previously offered or may be delivered in the future, is addressed to entrepreneurs, businesspeople, and professionals, and is based on a robust methodology for the development of highly profitable and scalable business models, which can be applied to the design of a new company or business unit, or to the restructuring of an existing company.
Scalabl's Global Community of Graduates (hereinafter, “Scalabl's Global Community”, “Community” or “Network”) is formed by all the people who, having graduated from the Course, regardless of what institution has marketed it, and having been admitted by Scalabl Global Limited, acquire the status of “Member” or the status of “Alumni” and, voluntarily, decide to accept and to belong to the Network.
All graduates of the face-to-face editions of the Course are referred to as “Alumni” (hereinafter, individually and collectively referred to as “Alumni”), and any person who has successfully completed the Online Course is referred to as “Member” (hereinafter, collectively referred to as “Members”, and together with the Alumni, as the “Community Members”).
By registering for the Course, you are entrusting us with information and accepting the practices outlined below. Hereinafter, you will be referred to as the “User”, or jointly as the “Users” of the Course.
Scalabl's identifying information is as follows:
Scalabl Global Limited
Address: Innovation Centre, Gallows Hill, Warwick, CV34 6UW, United Kingdom
Contact email:
Contact phone number: +372 58 35 83 47
In carrying out such commitment, Scalabl has implemented this privacy policy (hereinafter, the "Privacy Policy") which complies with the European Regulation No. 679/2016, of April 27, 2016, on the Protection of Personal Data and with the Argentine law No. 25,326 on the Protection of Personal Data.
This Privacy Policy describes Scalabl's policies and practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information collected. As such, this Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it.
Please note that Scalabl reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy for a variety of reasons, such as the use of new information processing technologies or changes to the Website, or changes in applicable law. In the event that such a modification affects you concerning the treatment of your data in the Privacy Policy, you will be duly informed and, if you do not agree with such changes, you will have to unsubscribe from the Course.
If you do not agree with the Privacy Policy, you can always unsubscribe from the Course.
The following information will help you understand our Privacy Policy.
What information do we collect?
What do we use the information we collect for?
Why do we need express consent?
To whom do we share the information we collect?
Where do we store and how do we protect the information we collect?
How can you access, delete and/or update the information we collect?
What are your rights when you provide us with your information?
Age of majority
Social Media Policy
Integration with the rest of the legal texts
What information do we collect?
Scalabl receives and stores (a) information that you provide to us, (b) information obtained from third parties, and (c) information collected by our systems, as described below:
Information provided to us by the User
By entering the Course, you agree to provide Scalabl with personal information regarding your identity, including but not limited to your first and last name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth, and nationality ("Personal Information").
Additionally, during the Course, you may provide us with opinions and comments (hereinafter, the "Opinions"). In this case, you accept and agree that all Feedback you submit to us will be published on the Website or on other websites and/or applications with whom Scalabl has contractual relationships. In such a case, we inform you that, eventually, you may be identified with your full name, photo, professional profile, comment, and nationality. By giving us your opinion or uploading real photos through the Course and/or the Website, you are assigning to Scalabl all property rights on such photos and Opinions. We remind you that you may delete your feedback by following the procedure detailed below in point 6. How can I access, delete and/or update the Collected Information?
Information provided by third parties
To the extent permitted by applicable law, Scalabl may also obtain Personal Information from you and aggregate it with Personal Information provided to us by third parties, whether group companies, business partners, and/or other independent third-party sources, such as public databases, information collected during a telephone conversation and/or through interactive applications. You should note that all information we collect about each User may only be used for the purposes set out in point 2. Any Personal Information obtained by Scalabl by the means described herein will be treated under the provisions of this Privacy Policy.
As already established in the previous points, Scalabl will not provide Users' data to third parties. Should it wish to do so, you will be informed in advance and your consent will be requested.
Information collected by our systems. Cookies Policy. Links to other sites. Geolocation Services
Scalabl may collect and process information about your visits to our Web Site. This information may be used to improve the content of the Website and/or the Course. For these purposes, we may set "cookies," which are small pieces of text that are used to retain information in web browsers and are stored on the hard drive of your device. These cookies may be used by Scalabl or by third parties.
In addition, through cookies or a geolocation service based on the IP of your connection or GPS, Scalabl will be able to access your location information to provide you with a better service from the Website.
We have content on the Website that links to third-party sites or services. When a third-party service is enabled, you authorize us to connect and access other information that is available under our agreement with the service provider. However, Scalabl does not receive or store passwords from any of these third-party services.
In this regard, as data processors, we have contracted with the following service providers, who have committed to comply with the applicable data protection regulations at the time of contracting:
Teachable Inc
, 16 W. 22nd Street, 6th Floor, New York, New York 10010, which provides web course creation services. The privacy policy and other legal aspects of the company can be consulted at the following link:
Facebook Ireland Limited
(identified by the trademarks Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, and/or WhatsApp), VAT registered number IE9692928F and domiciled at 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. The privacy policy and other legal aspects of said company can be consulted at the following link:
Scalabl uses your Personal Information for the following purposes:
To provide the Course and its related services.
To prevent or address any errors, technical or security problems, or fraud on the Website.
To analyze and monitor usage, trends, and other activities of Users.
To comply with the requirements of applicable laws, regulations, and legal procedures.
To communicate with the User in response to User requests, comments, and questions.
To develop and provide search, training, and productivity tools and additional features.
To send emails and other communications regarding new Courses and/or Website features, as well as promotional communications or other news about Scalabl.
For billing, account management, and other administrative purposes. Please be advised that Scalabl may need to contact you for billing, account management, and other similar reasons.
Why do we need express consent?
In compliance with the requirements of the European Regulation 679/2016, of April 27, on Personal Data Protection, by the Organic Law 3/2018 on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, and by the Argentine law 25.326, on Personal Data Protection, and following the provisions of our internal policies, we need your personal data in order to identify you and provide you with the Course.
With such action(s), you are freely and unequivocally declaring that you agree that Scalabl treats your data according to the purposes mentioned in the previous sections.
The User guarantees that the personal data provided to Scalabl are truthful and is responsible for communicating to Scalabl any modification thereof.
The User's acceptance that his/her data will be processed for the purposes referred to in this Privacy Policy is always revocable, without retroactive effects, under the provisions of current legislation.
With whom is the Personal Information collected shared?
This section describes with whom Scalabl may share and disclose Information:
Group companies: Scalabl may share information with any of its controlled, controlling, and related companies.
Corporate reorganization: If from time to time, Scalabl is involved in a merger, acquisition, bankruptcy, dissolution, reorganization, sale of some or all of our corporate assets or interests, financing, public offering, acquisition of all or part of our business, or similar transaction or proceeding, some or all of the Personal Information may be shared or transferred, subject to standard confidentiality agreements.
With competition authorities: only in case of receiving requests of a judicial nature in accordance with the requirements of applicable laws, regulations and legal procedures.
Between Users: the Course and/or the Web Site allows collaborative work between Users, allowing each one to eventually issue Opinions during the Course.
Where do we store and how do we protect the information we collect?
All Personal Information is collected and stored on servers physically located in the United States, European Community, and/or Argentina. By accepting the Privacy Policy, you agree that Scalabl may transfer your Personal Information to any country in the world. In any case, Scalabl is committed to guaranteeing that the legally required standards for the protection and safeguarding of your Personal Information are met, through the signing of agreements or conventions whose purpose is the privacy of your Personal Information.
In order to guarantee the security of our Website, we have integrated a security system that allows us to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the data of our Users that have been sent or collected through the means mentioned in the first point.
Thus, Scalabl maintains the security levels of data protection required by the new legislation and regulations referred to throughout the text and has provided on the Website all the technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access, and theft of the data provided by the User through the Website.
Also, as a User of our Website and/or the Course you understand, accept, and understand that security measures on the Internet are not impregnable and that, therefore, you are obliged to adopt the necessary security measures that allow you to trust the veracity of the Website in which you are entering your data. We will also do our best to ensure the privacy and security of your identification data at all times, always using the utmost diligence and implementing the necessary measures.
Thus, we inform you that you will be solely responsible for the security measures that you implement concerning the protection of your data, with which, Scalabl is not responsible for situations where the User has not implemented the corresponding security measures, nor for their consequences, as well as for causes or damages caused by third parties outside Scalabl, including fortuitous cases and/or force majeure.
In accordance with the aforementioned, Scalabl cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties may have knowledge of the type, conditions, characteristics, and circumstances of the use that the Users make of the Course.
What data do we retain after your User account is deactivated?
If you cease to be a User, we inform you that Scalabl will only retain your Personal Information for the period necessary to comply with the requirements of applicable law.
What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
The applicable legislation and regulations have implemented a series of legal guarantees that allow the User to exercise rights and actions related to the processing of his or her data.
Scalabl offers you this legal guarantee, with which, at any time and/or when you consider it convenient, you can make use of your rights of access, rectification, suppression, opposition, portability, and oblivion by writing to the contact email that we have enabled for this purpose:, attaching a copy of your passport or your ID card (holder of the data) and indicating in the subject expressly the request you wish to make: access, rectification, suppression, opposition, portability, oblivion and limitation of processing.
Notwithstanding the above, it is important that as a User you keep in mind that the information you have shared, by any means, may continue to be visible and that Scalabl is exonerated from any responsibility in relation to the elimination of this information.
Likewise, Scalabl does not control the renewal system of third party search mechanisms, which may contain certain public profile information that has already been deleted by Scalabl but that is still visible on the Internet due to the rebroadcast of the same, in which case, we recommend that you contact those responsible for those platforms and/or websites to request its deletion or the exercise of the right to oblivion.
We explain briefly what each of the rights you can exercise consists of:
✓ Right of access:
by exercising this right, you will be able to know what processing is carried out on your personal data by Scalabl: its purpose, origin, or possible transfer to third parties.
✓ Right to erasure (or right to be forgotten):
you may request the deletion of your personal data, without undue delay, when any of the cases contemplated occur. For example, unlawful data processing, or when the purpose for which the data was processed or collected has disappeared. However, there are several exceptions in which this right does not apply. For example, when the right to freedom of expression and information must prevail.
✓ Right of opposition:
through this right you may oppose the processing of your personal data: (i) when, for reasons related to your personal situation, the processing of your data must cease unless a legitimate interest is proven, i.e. necessary for the exercise or defense of claims, or, (ii) when the processing is for the purpose of direct marketing.
✓ Right to limit processing:
you may ask us to restrict the processing of your data (i) when the accuracy of the data is contested, while we verify such contestation, (ii) when the processing is unlawful, but you object to the deletion of your data and request the restriction of the processing instead, (iii) when you are the one who needs them in case of a claim (iv) and even when you have objected to the processing of your data for the performance of a mission in the public interest or for the satisfaction of a legitimate interest, which must be verified. In these cases, we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.
✓ Right of portability:
you may request the portability of your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, so that it can be transmitted to another entity, provided that this is technically possible.
To exercise any of these rights, you must send an email to the mailbox, after which we will contact you to validate your identity and resolve your request.
Also, at any time, you may withdraw your consent without affecting the lawfulness of the processing already carried out, by sending your request to the same address indicated in the previous paragraph. In this case, it is also necessary to attach a copy of your National Identity Card or an equivalent document proving your identity to your request.
Social Media Policy
Scalabl has corporate profiles and/or private groups in the social networks Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, Telegram, Pinterest, TikTok, and Clubhouse (hereinafter, the "Social Networks"). Thus, according to the provisions of the European Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 of April 27, 2016, and the Argentine Personal Data Protection Law, Law No. 25,326, Scalabl is "Responsible for the processing of your data" on the grounds of the existence of such profiles on these social networks and the fact that you follow us and we can follow you.
On the other hand, we inform you that we will use social networks as a channel of interaction between Users and Scalabl.
However, we also let you know that there is no link between Scalabl and such social networks, so you will accept their policy of use and conditions once you access them and/or accept their notices and/or terms and conditions in the registration procedure, and Scalabl will not be responsible for the use or treatment of your data that is made outside the strict relationship and provision of services indicated in this Privacy Policy.
Integration with the rest of the legal texts
This Privacy Policy is supplemented by the Terms and Conditions of Use and the Cookie Policy associated with this Web Site.