You don't need an idea to start a business

Will Marketing Always Blame Logistics?

by Francisco Santolo

Tensions between areas, Sales and Logistics, Marketing and Finance, Marketing and Sales, Sales and Finance, HR and Finance,  Research Development and Finance or Production are not only normal and expected but can be instrumental for corporations to succeed.

Will Marketing Always Blame Logistics?

In a well-managed organization, they are the natural result of the complementary points of view, and the desire to excel, departing from different information, knowledge, and incentives.

Try to keep politics on hold, design the right collaborative incentive schemes, invite open conversations, incite everyone to think like an owner, work on a culture that celebrates both autonomy and relationships and does not condemn errors or allows pointing fingers a natural way out.

Promote an Agile way of working where tensions do not drive anguish, resentment or division, but effective productive discussions, success, and continuous learning.

As a Corporate employee which suffers this daily, it is important to clearly understand this concept and how you can turn one of the most damaging things in Corporations into a powerful source of growth and creativity!

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